Τhe egg container

“We would like to create a street food restaurant that will serve chicken exclusively; an extraordinary place that will standout…‘

This was the first and only guideline by our clients. The next day, we visited a narrow and particularly high ceilingedvacant store (3m X 5m X 5m). Associations and thoughts on the scale of the space, chicken as a product and the intentionfor an original branding idea, gradually resulted in the concept of the ‘egg container’.


Egg container _a box (usually of carton) designed for storing eggs.We experimented with the egg carton as object, matrix, colour and material. A composition of rotating egg cartons on the main wall createda grey sculptural surface that transforms during daylight, according to sun movement. This grey surface of the walls and ceilings was counterbalancedby two container boxes of vivid colors, which conceal MEP and WC facilities.Just before completion, we were commissioned the adjacent vacant space to accommodate the restaurant’s lounge. The new spaceadopted the same overall style and existing brand identity and was designed at a minimum budget.


Traces of pre-existing uses of this second space, which were revealed during removal works at the construction phase, were highlightedas a central theme in design, creating once again an element of surprise.


P r o j e c t d e t a i l s

Title: ‘the egg container’

Type: Street food restaurant

Location: Thessaloniki

Architectural design: 40.22.ARCHITECTS |Anastasia Papadopoulou + VanessaTsakalidou

Collaborator: P. Petridis

Photography: L. Arvanitaki

Τhe egg container



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