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Office complex “EIGHT”, People
The new office complex "EIGHT" is an example of contemporary office premises located in the area of Maroussi in contact with Fragoklissias Str.
New building of the headquarters of TSMEDE, OM CONSULTING
Τhe new Headquarters of TSMEDE is an important public building with hall and canteen having a total area of 6.000m ² and archaeological findings at the level-5.00m.
Passenger terminal for High Speed boats, Port of Lavrion, Meletitiki- A.N.Tombazis and associates architects
This building is the first to be realized according to the master plan of the Port.
ΑMC College, APK architects
The aim of the design project undertaken for the Campus of AMC College in Maroussi.
Minimalism – Maximalism , Elena Karoula
Eclectic elegance, charming tranquility, discrete luxury, are the key defining characters of minimalistic design in contrast to a negative description of a cold, stern and impersonal design.
Pharmacy in Goudi, Tsikandilakis Lefteris
The approach to the renovation of the pharmacy was based on the understanding that the "image" of the workplace is one of the main determinants for the efficiency in work and promotion of the products.
New offices with sea view in the Faliro Delta, Nikos Moustroufis
A foreign shipping bank awarded to us the design and the construction of its offices, after a closed architectural tender.
JewelBOX, MorfaeLab
The jewelBOX accommodates two contradictory concepts.
Single family house in Filothei, Christina Loukopoulou, Iro Bertaki Costis Paniyiris
The project is about a single family house in Filothei. The site is characterized by a general lack of view at ground level, while a, rare for this suburb, party wall on the southeast side obstructs insolation.
Holiday residence in Poros, Alejandra Mavrocordatos Yorgos Andreadis and Partners
This holiday residence is located in the coast of the Peloponnese, opposite Poros island.
Vacation homes at Sani,  Chalkidiki, Z. Kostopoulou  -  M. Makri
A complex of summer residences constructed on a 10 acres site, 800 metres from the sea.
Summer residence in Nikiti,  Chalkidiki, Z. Kostopoulou  -  M. Makri
A two-storey residence of 160sq.m., on an 800sq.m. plot by the sea.
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