KLEA Fine Bakery is located in the ground floor of a 1930 listed building, upon the major historical city's axis. The oddly elongatespace is knowingly emphasized through a tenacious, legible though, sense of rhythm, provided by raw oak, 19th century's "newgothic" elements (familiar in period city's buildings) patched with linear untreated black steel structures.


The overall accentedaxial layout serves and fulfills the numerous and severe display's demandings.The on-site preparation of oven-made products, becomes whimsically obvious, through the insertion of the episodic pavilion shape, resultingthe basic structure. The gradual ceiling lowering, enhances the cutting-edge severity, while serving mechanical demands, and graduallyends up to the glass composition, that functions as a back office partition, inspired by Theo van Doesburg.


P r o j e c t  d e t a i l s

Title: KLEA

Location: Tsimiski Str. crossroad with AristotelousSquare, Thessaloniki

Type: Bakery store

Architectural design: Karalasos Operaday -W. Karalasos, I. Anestidis, L. Akepsimaidis

Construction: CORE Consruction

Photos: vavdinoudis-dimitriou / studiovd




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