Trade Estates, WHITEARCH

Trade Estates


The project involves redesigning Trade Estates' office space in Maroussi, which has a total area of 500 sq.m. The design is based on Trade Estates' corporate identity, which focuses on real estate management. As the exclusive franchisee of the IKEA brand in Greece, the Fourlis Group, incorporated a variety of IKEA products as both furniture and decorative elements.

The floor plan was organized in two zones, on either side of the core, comprising the vertical movement and the wet areas. The 1st zone, includes the administration offices and the conference room and the 2nd zone includes the employee offices.



Project details

Architectural design: WHITEARCH

Design team, supervision: Fani Partheniou, Athanasia Tsitsibi, George Papadopoulos

Construction: CORE Construction


Photos: Giorgos Sfakianakis



Trade Estates, WHITEARCH



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