Monk Gastro – Bar, Costas Gagos Architecture & Design

Monk Gastro - Bar


Monk Gastro - bar on 26 Lazaraki Street, in Glyfada, is a favorite meeting place. The design goal of the Costas Gagos Architecture & Design team was to create the conditions for an authentic meeting experience.

The central design axis and inspiration was the Belgian monasteries, which were - and to a certain extent still are - the core of beer fermentation and production. The genuine charm of the monastic style meets the ultimate version of aesthetics and luxury with the installation of a highly impressive, custom - made copper construction of a traditional fermentation kettle in the center of the store. The interior design reflects the dedication to tradition and art, with every corner being a tribute to the architecture of the monasteries.  


Project details

Architectural design: Costas Gagos Architecture & Design

Photos: Vasilis Mantzanas



Monk Gastro – Bar, Costas Gagos Architecture & Design



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