Pharaoh, Chrysokona Mavrou + Associates


Wine Bar-Restaurant


Pharaoh is a wine bar-restaurant, located on the ground level of a 1960s residential building in the center of Athens. It is dedicated to wood stove cooking, natural wines, and analog music, fusing a traditional Greek coffee house, a French brasserie, and a Japanese jazz bar.

The aim of the project was the creation of an authentically Athenian space that would concurrently convey the cosmopolitan background of the owners. The place should feel as if it had always been there, but its design would have to be unique.


The design concept derives from the natural process that the food, wine and music are produced. The shell was kept as rough as found and the additional materials were as raw as possible.


Project details

Title: Pharaoh Wine Bar-Restaurant

Location: Solomou, Exarchia, Athens

Owner: Pharaoh

Architectural design: Chrysokona Mavrou + Associates

Principal Architect: Chrysokona Mavrou

Team design: Vicky Katsarou, Marilina Metaxogeni, Kelly Mavromataki, Vasiliki Zaharia

Creative Director: Fotis Vallatos

H/M design: Climateam

Construction: Markos Marampotos

Lighting design: Site Specific

Photos: Giorgos Sfakianakis


Pharaoh, Chrysokona Mavrou + Associates



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