Break and relaxation area in L’Oréal, Kokkinou Kourkoulas Architects

Break and relaxation area in

L’Oréal Athens Offices

Hanging Gardens


The project explores the formation of an alternative space of a different atmosphere within office spaces. Spaces that create attractive workplaces in the recent context of increasingly remote working habits. The re-designed space represents a break-relaxation area of around 200 sq.m., situated in the L’Oréal office building in Athens.

Particularly after the covid period, the design of office spaces has become the center of discussion in relation to new concepts for working environments. While before, the existence of the internet and remote working had already started to slowly undermine previously fixed design principles.

Today, the common workplace is competing with the qualities and comforts of the home and other spaces frequented for remote work. The new challenge is to offer working atmospheres that are flexible and suitable for different types of creative work. In this sense, from the beginning, the design of the break and informal meeting spaces at L’Oréal raised questions that asked for a re-thinking of common design practices.



Project details

Architectural design, supervision: Kokkinou Kourkoulas Architects

Principal Architect: Nicholas Paplomatas

Associate architect: Manolis Mastrogiorgakis

E/M design: DM Consulting Engineers – Theodore Barkouras


Landscape architecture: H. Pangalou & Associates

Location: Ethnikis Antistaseos Ave., Athens

Owner: L'Oréal

Photos: Mariana Bisti


Break and relaxation area in L’Oréal, Kokkinou Kourkoulas Architects



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