Adele, GJP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION - George Panteloukas



One of the newest additions to Athens' nightlife, Adele has arrived to remain as one of the most stylish nightclubs. The combination of the red colour with gold decor and functional lighting gives the space a special elegance.

The interior decoration is dominated by maximalist choices such as bijouce mirrors, various sculptures and a lighted onyx on the bar counter while the fixtures are all made of cast glass. With a unique character, in which the classic and the modern blend together, Adele draws guests and visitors alike into a memorable experience.


Project details

Name: Adele Club

Location: Kolonaki, Athens

Architectural design: GJP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION - George Panteloukas

Photos: vasileiosf


Adele, GJP DESIGN & CONSTRUCTION - George Panteloukas



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