Helikon Shipping, Urban Soul Project

The Headquarters of

Helikon Shipping

in Glyfada


In the center of the seaside suburb of Glyfada, are the headquarters of Helikon Shipping, a shipping company with a rich heritage since 1961. Today Helikon is low profile company, of high standards, professionally and culturally related to Japan. The total number of employees at its headquarters amounts to 25 people.

Accordingly, Urban Soul Project was asked to design a space with a notion to Japan, incorporating a subtle use of color. As a result, the contemporary design approach of the office articulates a distinct design language, which nevertheless foresees the integration of elements from Helikon's past, as well as the cultural and professional relationship with Japan.


Project details

Architectural design: Urban Soul Project

Partner in charge: Tasos Georgantzis

Lead Architects: Ioanna Tzampazi, Natasa Zarogoulidou

Supervisor Architect: Ioanna Alexi

Design team: Eleni Housen, Sofia Bountri, Stella Avgerinou, Michalis Giapitzoglou

Project Management: Moneqube

Construction: EPIKYKLOS Construction Company

E/M and structural design: Arxiko consulting engineers

Acoustic design: Technology & Acoustics

Photos: Mariana Bisti


Helikon Shipping, Urban Soul Project



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