Nestle Hellas, A&M Architects

Complete reconstruction of

Nestle Hellas

offices in Maroussi


Nestle, a global leader in food and beverages, recently underwent a comprehensive transformation, evolving from a traditional office to an innovative workplace. Departing from the conventional closed office setup, the new office embraces diverse work scenarios, emphasizing openness and flexibility in design through well-crafted co-working spaces tailored to support various work modes.

Material choices played a pivotal role, creating atmospheres that fostered an immersive experience crucial for enhancing creativity while sustainability is incorporated to become a key aspect, aligning with the company's philosophy by including recycled materials into a biophilic approach.

Upon entering the building, the reception area exudes a welcoming character with soft curved contour lines in timber, reminiscent of the nurturing symbolism of a nest.


Project details

Architectural design: A&M Architects

Project team: Alexandros Paschaloudis, Dafni Tsolou, Fotini Douka,

Kyriakos Kyriakopoulos, Ioanna Flouri, Maria Dialektaki

Interior Design: A&M Architects

Project team: Maria Laura Santillo

Visuals: A&M Architects

Project team: Katerina Papamichali, Konstantinos Maroulas, Panagiotis Berdousis

Construction: Elin Techniki

Lighting design: IFI Group

E/M design: Kravvaritis & Partners

Photos: Yiorgos Kordakis


Nestle Hellas, A&M Architects



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