The project was designed by theArchitect P. Zizilas in 1911 who wasdriven by the inspiration and theideas of the owner Sotiris Anargirou,benefactor of Spetses and acitizen of the world of his time.
Thehotel operated for the first time in1914; it satisfied the social needsas well as the summer holidays ofthe inhabitants of Athens. After thewar, the hotel gradually declineduntil the year of 1960 when it wasrenovated and slowly started torecover. Changes in ownership,changes on the island as well as inthe habits and manners of holidaysdrove the hotel to decline.
In 2005a group of businessmen (Initiativeof Spetses S.A) undertook to revivethe charming shell and after thenecessary repairs and modernizationsto create a unique place fullof history. The buildings were fullyrenovated, bathrooms and othernecessary facilities were added.Communal spaces and all thesurrounding area were designedanew in order to satisfy the demandsof the complex. A wing of18 rooms, an office building anda small exhibition premise wereadded. A hotel of 58 rooms was theresult; the rooms were of various types and sizes.