Mageriko in the market of Kyparissia, a+ architects Ioannis Zacharakis


in the market of Kyparissia 


The ground floor of a neoclassic mansion built in 1948 in the market of Kyparissia has been rebuilt as the cuisine.The goal of a+ architects and the owners of the business was to respect the building and its history. The old floor tiles, frames and ceiling of the ground floor were preserved and respectfully maintained.

The facilities were modernized and the food preparation area and the meeting area coexist. Decorative elements are objects found on the ground floor, old signs and objects were carefully restored. A characteristic decorative element is the old bellows, which, after being preserved, has been suspended from the ceiling, mentally separating the kitchen from the common area.


Project details

Name: Mageriko

Architectural design: a+ architects Ioannis Zacharakis

Lighting design: LUUN

Photos: Vassilis Mantas


Mageriko in the market of Kyparissia, a+ architects Ioannis Zacharakis



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