Bestseller, Tsolakis Architects



The plot of the building is located in an area of the city with a strong industrial character near the National Road Athens- Lamia. There was a pre-existing supporting structure of a building that was not completed. The challenge was to design a new building, which would maintain the load-bearing structure of the existing building, and at the same time meet the new expanded building programme, with increased office space.

A prerequisite for the design was the creation of a method of transforming and adding surfaces to the existing building that would form a unified image and identity, of a hyper-local character, while meeting the needs of a modern office space.

The new office spaces as building units - "boxes" - are added to the existing building, composing a new structure. An additive method of composition is followed, where the new office units are placed either as extensions of the existing floors or as additions of floors.



Project details

Architectural design: Tsolakis + Partners

Principal architects: Vassilis Papadopoulos, Gabriella Karabatsou, Ioanna Papamattheou

Design Team: Ariadni Androulaki, Epaminondas Argyropoulos, Sotiris Nikolis, Stamos Oikonomou, Maria Papadaki, Maria Selkou, Michalis Fountouklis, Angeliki Chrisimou

Interior Design: Mehr Studio

Structural design: Solid Frame

E/M design: Dektis Consultant Engineers S.A.

Lighting design: LA Studio

LEED consultant: DCARBON

Landscape: Eleni Tsirintani

Development: Champ Development S.A.

Project management, Construction: The IGM Group

Text: Tsolakis + Partners

Photos: Panagiotis Voumvakis



Bestseller, Tsolakis Architects



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