The Wave, Tsolakis Architects

The Wave

Redevelopment of a 7-story office building

on Syngrou Avenue, in Athens


The objective of the project was the redevelopment of an existing office building on Syngrou Avenue, a prominent location, as Syngrou is a major arterial road of Athens around which there are plenty of commercial buildings, offices and hotels.

Our proposal is a building that functions as an element that creates a flow of events within the urban fabric, a flow that responds to the experience of movement and passing through that is generated on Syngrou Avenue. The geometrical equivalent of the imprinted movement is the dynamic factor of the façade design. Thus, a unidirectional system of louvers transforms to a dynamic system of 3D formations that comprise the shape of the façade.

The latter responds to the principles of bioclimatic design, as it effectively controls sunlight. It is also a variation element since the framework of the façade provides multiple possibilities for structuring the interior.



Project details

Owner, development: Prodea Investments

Architectural design: Tsolakis Architects

Design team: Ioanna Papamattheou, Eleni Lagari, Gianna Papapavlou, Miguel Munoz Ayllon,

Penny Papaefthymiou, Michalis Fountouklis, Semeli Mesolongiti

Structural design: Christoforos Kolyvas, Christos Karnavezos

E/M design: A. Koutsikos A.T.E.E.

Acoustic design: Giorgos Hatzigeorgiou

Phytotechnical design: Ecoscapes Landscape Architects

Lighting design: Thanos Danilof

Facade bioclimatic design consultant: Inform Design

LEED certification study: DCARBON I.K.E.

Topographer: Konstantinos Papaspyrou

Project manager: Focal Project Management Consultants Ltd.

Construction: REDEX

Photos: Pygmalion Karatzas




The Wave, Tsolakis Architects



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