The Estée Lauder Companies Offices, YAP Architects

The Estée Lauder

Companies Offices


The project concerns the interior fit out and extensive renovation of four levels within an existing office building from the 1990s.

The aim of the design was the functional spatial arrangement so as to better serve the needs and the work style of the company, while leaving room for flexibility and the possibility of conversions in the future and encouraging multiple work styles and collaboration in terms of space typology provisions of mobile furniture and AV technologies.

The integration of corporate design principles of the client and the unique rendering of this corporate identity in such a way as to make the Athens headquarters an exemplary global and local office reference. The sustainability, as much in the selection of highly recyclable materials and a minimum carbon footprint, as in the integration of passive and active energy saving technologies.



Project details

Architectural design: YAP ARCHITECTS

Design team: Υ. Andreadis, M. Kantartzis, P. Tortopidi, M. Gavriiloglou, G. Kotsari

E/M design: E-M Design

Acoustic design: Acou Acoustics Engineering

Lighting design: LUUN

Construction: CORE Construction

Photos: Giorgos Sfakianakis

The Estée Lauder Companies Offices, YAP Architects



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