OX Restaurant - Chop House, ADD Architecture Studio


Restaurant Chop House



Οx is a space designed to inspire a strong sense of community and place. Its open-fire kitchen, the semi and open-air dining spaces, the wine cellar, are approached with an eclectic design direction. Ox embodies an atmospheric take on the familiar and easy-going Greek gatherings. A celebration of simplicity and generosity where tradition and fine-dining meet to form an original concept.

Ox when translated in Greek the most suitable word that conveys its meaning is the ancient word “boûs”, a direct ode to the primordial notion of carnivore eating. Thus, the concept of the modern Chop-House is born. The use of warm-tones and raw materials in combination with touches of intense-textured materiality create an ever provoking spectacle of feelings through the senses of sight, touch and smell. An atmosphere infused with strong story-telling visual references.

The restaurant was designed as a series of frames, a sequence of instantanés which set the tone and guide the visitor through a tasting journey. The design draws inspiration from traditional Greek interior and exterior design typologies such as the “plateia”, the “kelari” and the “lithostroto”.


Project details

Architectural design: ADD Architecture Studio

Interior design, Lighting design: ADD Architecture Studio

Design team: Dionysis Koutsioumaris, Argyris Chronopoulos, Xenia Bouranta

Photos: Giorgos Sfakianakis, Spyros Hound

OX Restaurant - Chop House, ADD Architecture Studio



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