Quirkk, Costas Gagos Architecture and Design

The new office space of


in the heart of Athens 


The new office space of Quirkk, in the heart of Athens, was a challenge for the team of Costas Gagos Architecture C Design. The aim was to create a space of high aesthetics that accommodates the offices of an innovative company employing young professionals. One of the most important features of the space is its location with its corner balcony and unobstructed view of the Acropolis.

The design was based on highlighting this goddess with the use of large single openings with thin imperceptible frames to achieve the unification of the interior and exterior. The existence of glass partitions inside as well provides a visual connection between the work areas, enhancing the feeling of collaboration and teamwork.

Through transparency, a distinctive atmosphere is created that complements the space architecturally, designwise, and aesthetically. This creates a free-form floor plan with clean lines and curved elements, enhancing the flow of movement in the space and the intimacy of the user. In this way, spaces for relaxation and inspiration are harmoniously integrated into the workspace, seamlessly bridging the private and the public.



Project details

Architectural design, Construction: Costas Gagos Architecture and Design

Photos: Vassilis Mantzanas

Quirkk, Costas Gagos Architecture and Design



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